Mucinous Ovarian Cancer Research

MOCC Grants

Founded in late 2020, the Mucinous Ovarian Cancer Coalition was created, in part, to provide grants to investigators working toward a cure for this rare disease. While currently a small foundation, we have set ambitious goals for growth. We anticipate expanding the amounts and types of grants awarded in the near future.

MOCC is committed to funding research that advances the development of screening tests and treatment options. The ultimate goal is to find a cure for this disease. To that end, the request for proposals for Rhonda’s Award begins on
May 1st, 2025.

Rhonda's Award

Rhonda was the cofounder of the Mucinous Ovarian Cancer Coalition and she continues to be the inspiration for our work. Rhonda battled this rare type of ovarian cancer with grace and empathy, always looking for ways to support other women diagnosed with the disease. Her spirit and positive approach to life guides us each day.

MOCC will consider proposals for projects up to $25,000. Special consideration will be given to those with a goal of identifying innovative approaches to treating advanced stages of this rare disease or a recurrence. The Advisory Committee will use a modified version of the NIH scale for grading proposals.


Call for Proposals

The timeline for the grant review process:

· May 1st, 2025: Call for proposals begins. Investigators are invited to submit abstracts for proposals up to $25,000. Abstracts should include a description and rationale for the research, along with the names and backgrounds of the principal and co-investigators. Investigators who are interested in applying should submit an abstract only to
· June 1st, 2025: Deadline for submitting abstracts. Must be received by 9:00 a.m. (EST).
· June 9th - 27th, 2025:  MOCC Advisory Board reviews abstracts and determines which investigators should be invited to submit a full proposal.
· June 30th, 2025: Applicants are notified of status. Those invited to proceed will be asked to submit a full proposal not to exceed six pages (excluding addenda). The proposal should include a detailed budget with direct costs detailed (travel expenses and investigators salaries are excluded), a timeline, and any additional sources of financial support. Applicants should also submit a CV for each investigator.
· July 25th, 2025: Deadline for submitting full proposal. Must be received by 9:00 a.m. (EST).
 · July 28th - August 21st 2025:   MOCC Physician Advisory Board reviews full proposals and makes a recommendation for the 2026 recipient of Rhonda’s Award.

· September 17, 2025: MOCC will announce the recipient of the 2026 Rhonda's Award on the birthday of our late founder.

Contact us at with questions about the process or the Coalition.