Call for Proposals
The timeline for the grant review process:
· May 1st, 2025: Call for proposals begins. Investigators are invited to submit abstracts for proposals up to $25,000. Abstracts should include a description and rationale for the research, along with the names and backgrounds of the principal and co-investigators. Investigators who are interested in applying should submit an
abstract only to · June 1st, 2025: Deadline for submitting abstracts. Must be received by 9:00 a.m. (EST).
· June 9th - 27th, 2025: MOCC Advisory Board reviews abstracts and determines which investigators should be invited to submit a full proposal.
· June 30th, 2025: Applicants are notified of status. Those invited to proceed will be asked to submit a full proposal not to exceed six pages (excluding addenda). The proposal should include a detailed budget with direct costs detailed (travel expenses and investigators salaries are excluded), a timeline, and any additional sources of financial support. Applicants should also submit a CV for each investigator.
· July 25th, 2025: Deadline for submitting full proposal. Must be received by 9:00 a.m. (EST).
· July 28th - August 21st 2025: MOCC Physician Advisory Board reviews full proposals and makes a recommendation for the 2026 recipient of Rhonda’s Award.
· September 17, 2025: MOCC will announce the recipient of the 2026 Rhonda's Award on the birthday of our late founder.