Why We Support MOCC

The Mucinous Ovarian Cancer Coalition was founded by a vibrant and compassionate woman named, Rhonda. She was battling this rare and aggressive form of cancer, and wanted to help other women walking her same path. While her fight ended just six weeks after the organization was launched, her family and friends continue the mission.
Read on to learn why key members of the all-volunteer organization are so committed to the cause.
Richard & Sharon Laurell
Parents of our Late Founder

Our introduction to mucinous ovarian cancer came in the fall of 2019 when our beloved, youngest daughter, Rhonda, had her annual physical. Abnormal lab results seemed to indicate a problem with her colon. Further testing and biopsies soon lead to a diagnosis of this rare, aggressive form of ovarian cancer.

Over the next year, Rhonda suffered through an unsuccessful surgery, as well as repeated hospital admissions for infections, blood clots, and low white cell count. She underwent two aggressive courses of chemotherapy, neither of which were successful in reducing the tumor.

Rhonda handled this ordeal with her trademark courage and grace. She empathized with the struggles other women were going through. At the cancer center, Rhonda observed women who always seemed to be alone. She noticed some missed treatments because they lacked the support she always had. Despite her difficult personal battle, Rhonda would tell us how blessed she felt and became determined to do something to help these women. 

Rhonda's determination and that of our oldest daughter, Shelley, led to the founding of the Mucinous Ovarian Cancer Coalition. Family and friends joined the fight. Rhonda started the MOCC Cares packages soon after the launch. She carefully chose items to include in each of the care packages, and wrote personal notes of encouragement to go in every box.

The foundation was a great source of pride for our daughter. We continue to support her work in hopes of finding a cure, and preventing other families from experiencing the profound grief caused by having to say good-bye to a loved one far too soon.


Jackie Couch
(& the late Ron Couch)
Parents of Our Late Founder

Our daughter, Rhonda, started MOCC in the fall of 2020. Her dream was to provide assistance to women battling the same type of cancer that she was. Rhonda wanted to make sure other women received the same kind of support she was surrounded by every day.

Whether it was monetary assistance or emotional support, she knew many women were struggling. Her idea was to raise money for research grants, but to also finance other important programs, too. Less than one year later, MOCC offers counseling for women and caregivers, art and music workshops, and personalized care packages. MOCC is already on track to award a sizeable research grant within the next year.

While nothing can lessen the pain of losing a daughter, supporting her foundation gives us a way to keep her memory alive.


Shelley Laurell
President, MOCC Board of Directors

When my late sister, Rhonda, and I first started talking about creating a foundation to shine a spotlight on mucinous ovarian cancer, we had very different goals. Mine was to raise as much money as possible, as quickly as possible, to fund the research I hoped would save her life.

As always, my sister placed an equally high priority on finding ways to help others. She wanted to support fellow women fighting this disease. Those who didn’t have the family and financial support that she did.

Though we lost her unexpectedly just six weeks after MOCC officially launched, Rhonda was able to see one of her dreams come to life. That was sending MOCC Cares packages to women who needed a boost. She loved thoughtfully selecting items for each box, and penning a handwritten note of encouragement.

Rhonda’s generous spirit and dreams for MOCC guide our work each day. We are determined that part of her life legacy will include finding a way to treat, and eventually cure, mucinous ovarian cancer.


Lori Baldwin
Friend and Supporter of MOCC

MOCC is important to me because it was such a pivotal moment in my dear friend’s cancer journey. Rhonda launched her foundation because she wanted to provide women with the care and attention she thought everyone battling cancer deserves. With her big, loving heart, she saw past her own diagnosis and focused on the needs of others.

I am forever grateful for my friendship with my dear friend Rhonda. I could always count on her as a source of support and unconditional love. Losing Rhonda to mucinous ovarian cancer has been very difficult. But, working to advance the organization she started gives me comfort.

MOCC will forever be a part of my life. I will continue to support and nurture it, just as my dear friend Rhonda would.


Kathy Mroz
Friend and Supporter of MOCC

MOCC means a lot to me because mucinous ovarian cancer took the life of one of my best friends. Rhonda was a soul sister with a big heart. She was great fun, and a fierce defender of anyone that needed her help.

Rhonda was always encouraging her circle of friends to seek out the best doctors, not fall behind on annual check-ups, and to treat ourselves with kindness. Yes, she could be bossy when it came to the people she loved. That’s why it’s so unfair that we lost her so early.

Ovarian cancer often goes undetected until it’s too late. This was the case for my dear friend. Her disease was diagnosed at an advanced stage. Rhonda fought hard, keeping the faith and a hope-filled heart.

When Rhonda decided to start a coalition to raise money and awareness, she was filled with excitement. She wanted to not only raise money for research, but to help women who didn’t have the love and support that surrounded her. I knew that MOCC would be successful and amazing.

While Rhonda lost her battle just six weeks after MOCC launched, her dedication to this cause and our love for her keep us committed to working toward a cure. And with every day that goes by, women with mucinous ovarian cancer receive emotional support and care packages. Just as Rhonda intended.


Bonnie DeLange
Secretary, MOCC Board of Directors

MOCC is my connection to Rhonda, one of my oldest and dearest friends. Our friendship began in junior high school and continued through the day we unexpectedly lost her to complications from mucinous ovarian cancer.

Rhonda was a kind and compassionate woman. In founding MOCC, her goal was to help other women battling the same disease she was. While it was important to her that we raise money to fund research grants, Rhonda wanted to do more. She hoped to provide emotional and financial support for women who needed it. In less than a year, MOCC is doing exactly that.

My friend and I shared many wonderful times together. I miss her every day. I am very proud to be a board member for MOCC, and to continue working to move her legacy forward.


Jennifer Wilkins,
MOCC Board Member

When my cousin, Rhonda, was diagnosed with mucinous ovarian cancer, I had never heard of it before. But I knew that ovarian cancer is very serious. Once I learned more about this rare type of the disease and how few options for treatment are available, I knew I had to do something.

My whole life, Rhonda was one of my closest family members and friends. She was witty and fun, kind and compassionate. I looked up to her, and miss her dearly.

As a member of the MOCC board, I feel as if I can help keep Rhonda’s dreams alive. Our all-volunteer team works together to raise money and awareness to support the mission of MOCC. We hope to be able to fund research that will eventually lead to a cure, while supporting women with the disease along the way.


Michelle Schwartz
Treasurer, Board Member at Large

 First and foremost, I support MOCC because of my cousin, Rhonda. She founded this great organization when she was fighting for her life. She was a go-getter with a huge heart. Rhonda believed she was blessed in life despite the tough hand she was dealt with this diagnosis.

Rhonda started MOCC in hopes of ensuring other women fighting this difficult form of cancer had the support they needed. As a breast cancer survivor, I know firsthand how important it is to have people in your corner. And to have the medical information and financial support you need.

MOCC is an all-volunteer foundation consisting of Rhonda’s family and close friends. We united to carry on her legacy, and continue to fight this disease for Rhonda as well as for all those women still in the battle. Team MOCC is on a mission to find a cure for this disease that took someone we loved so much, far too early.


Pitch In and Help

You can join the fight, too. And, make her fight your fight. Use this online donation form to contribute any amount and help power our mission!